Dr. Carranza Edwards Arturo
Inv. Titular “C” T.C.
Unidad Académica: Procesos Oceánicos y Costeros
[email protected]
Laboratorio de Sedimentología. Se hacen estudios sobre análisis textural y composicional de sedimentos de ambientes costeros (playas, dunas, ríos, lagos) de plataforma continental y de mar profundo, con énfasis en estudios ambientales y de recursos minerales del mar.
Técnico Asignado: M. en C. Eduardo Morales de la Garza
Cabrera-Ramírez, M.A., A. Carranza-Edwards, J.S. Armstrong-Altrin y L. Rosales-Hoz (2016). Geochemistry of pelagic sediments and nodules in the abyssal Clarion Fracture Zone. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11(2): 437-448.Geochemistry of pelagic sediments and nodules in the abyssal Clarion Fracture Zone. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11(2): 437-448.
Ramírez-Herrera M. T., Felicidad Bógaloc, M., Černýd, J., Goguitchaichvilif, A., Coronag, N., Machain, M.L., Carranza-Edwards, A., Sosai, S.,2016. Historic and ancient tsunamis uncovered on the Jalisco-Colima Pacific coast, the Mexican subduction zone. Geomorphology, 259: 90-104.Cabrera-Ramírez, M.A., A. Carranza-Edwards, J.S. Armstrong-Altrin y L. Rosales-Hoz (2016).
Leticia Rosales-Hoz, Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Raymundo G. Martínez-Serrano, Miguel Ángel Alatorre-Mendieta, John S., Armstrong-Altrin, 2015. Textural and Geochemical characteristics of marine sediments in the SW Gulf of Mexico: Implications for source and seasonal change. Environ. Monit. Asses. 187 (4): 205-224.
Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Antonio Zoilo Márquez-García, Citlali Itzel Tapia-Gonzalez, Leticia Rosales-Hoz, Miguel Ángel Alatorre-Mendieta, 2015. Cambios morfológicos y sedimentológicos en playas del sur del Golfo de México y del Caribe noroeste. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 67 (1): 21-43.
John S., Armstrong-Altrin, María Luisa Machaín-Castillo, Leticia Rosales-Hoz, Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Joan Albert Sánchez-Cabrera, Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández, 2015. Pronenance and depositional history of continental slope sediments in the southwstern Gulf of Mexico unraveled by geochemical analysis. Continental Shelf Research, 95:15-26.
Oscar Armando Amaya-Monterrosa, María Luisa Machaín-Castillo, Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández, Joan Albert Sánchez-Cabrera, Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Alejandroa Cearreta, Mayumy Amparo Cabrera-Ramírez, Jaime Espinoza-Navarrete, Estephanie Mesa-Guerrero, Libia Hascibe Pérez-Bernal, Alejandro Rodríguea-Ramírez, 2014. Geochemical and micropaleontological evidence of recent hydrological changes in sedimentary records of Jiquilisco, El Salvador. Ciencias Marinas, 40 (4): 305-320.
Maria Teresa Ramirez-Herrera, Néstor Corona, Marcelo Lagos, Jan Černý, Avto Goguitchaichvili, James Goff, Catherine Chagué-Goff, Maria Luisa Machaín, Atun Zawaddzki, Geraldine Jacobsen, Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Socorro Lozano, Et Lindsey Blecher, (2014): Unearthing earthquakes and their tsunamis using multiple proxies: the 22 June 1932 event and a probable fourteenth-century predecesor on the Pacific coast of Mexico, International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2014.951977.
Kasper-Zubillaga, J.J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., A. Carranza-Edwards, Morton-Bermea, O., Lozano Santa Cruz, R., 2013. Control in beach and dune sands of the Gulf of Mexico and the role of nearby rivers. International Journal of Geosciences, 2013 (4): 1157-1174. Published Online October 2013. (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijg).
Omar Celis-Hernández, Leticia Rosales Hoz, Arturo Carranza Edwards, 2013. Heavy metal enrichment in surface sediments from the SW Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185(12), 8891-8907.
Cabrera-Ramírez Mayumy Amparo, Carranza-Edwards Arturo and Olivares-Cruz Marlene, 2013. Morphology and texture of polymetallic nodules and their association with sediments of the Central Mexican Pacific. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 31(2):154-157.
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Lee,Y. I., J. J. Kasper Zubillaga, A. Carranza-Edwards, D. García, G.Nelson Eby, V. Balaram, N. L. Cruz-Ortíz, 2012. Geochemistry of beach sands along the western Gulf of Mexico, Mexico: Implication for provenance. Chemie der Erde, 72: 345-362.
Rosales-Hoz, L., A. Carranza-Edwards, L. San Vicente-Añorve, M. A. Alatorre-Mendieta, and F. Rivera-Ramírez, 2009. Distribution of disolved trace metals around a coral reef in Southwestern Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Environ. Cont. Toxicol. (2009) 83: 713-719. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009-9813-6.
Carranza-Edwards, A., J.J. Kasper Zubillaga, L. Rosales-Hoz, E. A. Morales de la Garza, R. Lozano Santa Cruz 2009. Beach sand composition and provenance in a sector of the southwestern Mexican Pacific. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 26(2):433-447. Publicado en línea el 2 de julio de 2009.