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...M.C. Fernando NEGRETE SOTO

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Técnico Titular "C" T.C.

Educación: Lic. y Maestría en la Facultad de Ciencias de la U.N.A.M.

Investigador resp.: Dr. Enrique Lozano Álvarez

Antigüedad: desde 1989


Lab. 1: Crustáceos
Tel:+52 (998) 87-10219 ext. 157
E-mail: [email protected]


Technician, Level C

Education: B.Sc. and M.Sc. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Researcher resp.: Dr. Enrique Lozano Álvarez

Tenure: since 1989





Soy responsable de las actividades de campo de todos los proyectos del Laboratorio de Crustáceos. Participo en el diseño de muestreo de los trabajos de campo, en la toma de datos, el procesamiento primario de la información y en la elaboración de artículos y reportes.

Apoyo en el diseño y realización de los trabajos de campo de estudiantes tanto licenciatura como posgrado adscritos al laboratorio.

Corresponsable del servicio de bombeo de agua marina para el sistema de estanques y acuarios.


Técnicas y Proyectos

Manejo de diferentes técnicas de muestreo subacuático diurno y nocturno, diferentes métodos de pesca, fotografía y video submarino y sistemas de circuito cerrado en estanques experimentales.

Principales Líneas de Investigación en las que participao

  • Biología, Ecología y Comportamiento de las langostas del género Panulirus.
  • Biología y Ecología de crustáceos.
  • Monitoreo de larvas y Reclutamiento de Postlarvas de la langosta Panulirus argus en el Caribe mexicano. 
  • Macrocrustáceos del Caribe mexicano.


I am responsible for field work of all the projects conducted in the Crustacean laboratory. I participate in the desingn of the field surveys, the collection of data, the primary processing of the information and in the elaboration of manuscripts and reports.

I give field and laboratory support to degree and postgraduate students that conduct their thesis in the laboratory.

I am co-responsible for the maintenance of the marine water pumping system for the experimental ponds and aquaria.


Techniques and Projects

Scuba diving, diurnal and nocturnal, transects, quadrants, different fishing methods, underwater video-registers and close circuit systems in ponds.

The main projects I participate in are:

  • Biology, Ecology and Behaviour of spiny lobsters of the Panulirus Genera.
  • Biology and Ecology of Crustaceans.
  • Monitoring of larvae and recruitment of postlarvae of the lobster Panulirus argus in the mexican Caribbean.
  • Macrocrustacea from the Mexican Caribbean.

publi Publicaciones | Publications

Lozano-Álvarez E, Luviano-Aparicio N, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortiz C, Aguíñiga-García S, Morillo-Velarde PS, Álvarez-Filip L, Briones-Fourzán P (2017). Does reef architectural complexity influence resource availability for a large reef-dwelling invertebrate? Journal of Sea Research 128:84–91. doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2017.08.010

Candia-Zulbarán RI, Briones-Fourzán P, Lozano-Álvarez E, Barradas-Ortiz C, Negrete-Soto F (2015). Caribbean spiny lobsters equally avoid dead and clinically PaV1-infected conspecifics. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, fsu249.

Briones-Fourzán P, Pérez-Ortiz M, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortiz C, Lozano-Álvarez E (2012) Ecological traits of Caribbean sea anemones and symbiotic crustaceans. MEPS 470: 55-68.

Briones-Fourzán P, Candia-Zulbarán RI, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortiz C, Huchin-Mian JP, Lozano-Álvarez E (2012) Influence of local habitat features on disease avoidance by Caribbean spiny lobsters in a casita-enhanced bay. Dis Aqua Org 100: 135-148.

Candia-Zulbarán RI, Briones-Fourzán P, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortiz C, Lozano-Álvarez E (2012) Variability in clinical prevalence of PaV1 in Caribbean spiny lobsters occupying commercial casitas over a large bay in Mexico. Dis Aqua Org 100: 125-133.

Briones-Fourzán P, Barradas-Ortíz C, Negrete-Soto F, Lozano-Álvarez E (2010) Reproductive traits of tropical deep-water pandalid shrimps (Heterocarpus ensifer) from the SW Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 57(8): 978-987.

Lozano-Álvarez E, Briones-Fourzán P, Álvarez-Filip L, Weiss HM, Negrete-Soto F, C. Barradas-Ortiz (2010) Influence of shelter availability on interactions between Caribbean spiny lobsters and moray eels: implications for artificial lobster enhancement. Marine Ecology Progress Series 400: 175-185.

Briones-Fourzán P, Lozano-Álvarez E, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortíz C (2007) Enhancement of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters: an evaluation of changes in multiple response variables with the addition of large artificial shelters. Oecologia 151: 401-416.

Lozano-Álvarez E, P. Briones-Fourzán, Osorio-Arciniegas A, Negrete-Soto F, Barradas-Ortíz C (2007) Coexistence of congeneric spiny lobsters on coral reefs: differential use of shelter resources and vulnerability to predators. Coral Reefs 26: 361-373.

Weiss HM, Lozano-Álvarez E, Briones-Fourzán P, Negrete-Soto F (2006). Using red light with fixed-site video cameras to study the behavior of spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus, and associated animals at night and inside their shelters. Marine Technology Society Journal 40(3): 86–95.

Lozano-Álvarez E, Briones-Fourzán P, Negrete-Soto F (2003) Chankanaab Lagoon (Cozumel, México): a prime habitat for spiny lobsters Panulirus argus? Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 1033–1042.

24 November, 2017 13:16