Desde el verano de 2014 hasta el invierno de 2015 llegaron a las playas del Caribe mexicano cantidades masivas de Sargazo pelágico.
A continuación se proporcionan links a páginas WEB y documentos que proporcionan información sobre este evento atípico.
From the summer of 2014 until the winter of 2015 massive quantities of pelagic Sargassum arrived to Mexican Caribbean beaches.
Here we provide some links to WEB pages and documents that give information about this atypical event.
Información General | General Information
Páginas WEB | Web Pages
Satellite-based Sargassum Watch System (SaWS), University of South Florida - Designed to use satellite data and numerical models to detect and track pelagic Sargassum in near-real time.
Sargassum, A Resource Guide for the Caribbean A guide elaborated by the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism
and OBM International to inform the tourist industry, local governments, environmental groups and residents about Sargassum, its impacts, uses, and best practice mitigation and management.
Diersenn HM, Chlus A, Russel B (2015) Hyperspectral discrimination of floating mats of seagrass wrack and the
macroalgae Sargassum in coastal waters of Greater Florida Bay using
airborne remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 167: 247-258.
Gavio B, Rincón-Díaz MN, Santos- Martínez A (2015) Massive quantities of pelagic sargassum on the shores of san andres island, southwestern caribbean. Acta Biológica Colombiana 20(1): 239-241.
Gower J, Young E, King S (2013) Satellite images suggest a new Sargassum source region in 2011. Remote Sensing Letters 4(8): 764-773.
Hill, BN (2014) Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS): Developing the standard operating procedure of investigating the hourly growth rate of Sargassum while suspended in the neritic coastal waters off of Galveston, Texas. Undergraduate Research Scholar Thesis. 31p.
Hu C, Feng L, HArdy RF, Hochberg EJ (2015) Spectral and spatial requirements of remote measurements of pelagic Sargassum macroalgae. Remote Sensing Environments 167: 229-246.
Johnson DR, Ko DS, Franks JS, Moreno P, Sánchez-Rubio G (2013) The Sargassum Invasion of the Eastern Caribbean and Dynamics of the Equatorial North Atlantic. Proc. of the 65th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Santa Marta, Colombia.
Lapointe BE (1995) A comparison of nutrient-limited productivity in Sargassum natans from neritic vs. oceanic waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40(3): 625-633.
Nordstrom KF, Jackson NL, Freestone AL, Korotky KH, PUleo JA (2012) Effects of beach raking and sand fences on dune dimensions and morphology. Geomorphology 179: 106-115.
Oyesiku OO, Egunyomi A (2014) Identification of chemical studies of pelagic masses of Sargassum natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon and S. fluitans (Borgessen) Borgesen (brown algae), found offshore in Ondo State, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 13(10): 1188-1193.
Pendleton L, Krowicki F, Strosser P, Hallett-Murdoch J (2014) Assessing the value of marine and coastal ecosystem services in the Sargasso Sea. Working Paper EE 14-05. Duke Environmental and Energy Economics Working Paper Series. 41p.
Williams A, Feagin R, Witme Stafford A (2008) Environental impacts of beach raking of Sargassum spp. on Galveston Island, TX.
Wischnat S (2013) The potential use of pelagic algae (Sargassum spp. as a supplement to animal nutrition in coastal regions of Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis. Universität Hohenheim. 67p.